A velvet bedspread offers many decorating options

There is very little that bring romance to a room like a velvet bedspread. When you think about it, the very idea of having one seems almost sinful and forbidden. Of course in the day of Desperate Housewives and daytime soap operas we all need a little sin and forbidden fruit in our lives, even if comes in the form of our often under appreciated spouses who do, put up with our unique personality quirks for better or for worse.

You can buy a velvet bedspread in almost any color and have it made in a style that will match most decors. I bring this up in order to point out the fact that you can be creative with your bed spread and spice up the rest of your room while you’re at it. I think that combining tactile materials is a definite way to go. Have some matching silk and satin pillows made so that you can enjoy the feelings of the different materials. Mixing fabrics and materials like that is also visually pleasing as well. You can choose rich bold colors or mild and subdued colors for a more tranquil atmosphere; the possibilities are limited when you combine your imagination with your bedroom design options.


While I always endorse bringing a little spice to your bedroom, I do highly recommend against a velvet bedspread during the height of summer, particularly if you live in warmer climates. This might just prove too hot to handle, literally. During the winter months, particularly around Christmas is a great time to introduce a velvet bedspread to your bedroom décor. It can also be a fun way to bring holiday decorations to your bedroom. Choose festive holiday colors like red, green, or gold, and accessorize to match.

The important thing to remember though is that it is your bedroom and you are the one who will ultimately live with your decorating and design decisions. If you want a velvet bedspread, who am I to try to talk you out of it, no matter what time of year it is. This is your personal space and your oasis from the world. You need to think about what you would like in that space and discover what would make you enjoy that space more. So many people choose fabric, prints, and patterns that they don’t really like for their bedrooms because they are worried about what other people might think. Don’t show them your bedroom if it’s a problem for you. That is always my simple solution anyway. If you like the velvet bedspread, then you should really go for the velvet bedspread and enjoy every minute that you are using it in your bedroom.

Regardless of whether you are trying to spice things up in your bedroom, make it an energizing place to revitalize and recover from the world, a tranquil oasis, or a romantic get away where you and your spouse can reconnect with one another, a velvet bedspread is an excellent choice for your master bedroom.

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