A Duvet/Comforter Cover Can Make a Huge Impact On Your Bedroom Decor

A duvet/comforter cover can be a great way to add a little touch of elegance to your bedroom. There are a few things that are important to remember when deciding to do so however. A comforter is generally made much larger than a duvet. This means that the duvet comforter cover must be larger than a duvet of the bed size would be. In other words if you have a queen sized comforter, you will most likely need a king sized duvet cover in order to cover the comforter.

Most duvets are made from down or some other type of synthetic material and tend to be quite warm and cozy. The duvet cover is very much like a pillowcase for the duvet, which is very much like a comforter. A duvet is intended to function as both a comforter and a top sheet so you will not need a top sheet if you choose a duvet comforter cover. Additionally, a duvet can be hand made, which will cut down on costs to consumers and an abundance of options for closures exist. Among these closure options are: buttons, zippers, and ties. You can be as creative as you choose to be with your duvet comforter cover, the ultimate goal is that you will get the maximum possible enjoyment from your duvet cover and bedding selections.

I like duvet comforter covers as tools for decoration, because you can change the entire look of your room as often as you change the duvet cover. By doing something as simple as choosing neutral wall colors, draperies, and accessories, you can change your duvet covers seasonally for very little expense (particularly if you make your own duvet covers) and enjoy a constantly changing room.

When making your own duvet comforter covers, make sure you measure your comforter and that the duvet cover is of adequate size to cover the comforter. You may have to make adjustments to your pattern in order for the duvet cover to fit the comforter you are making it for. Also you want to choose a material that isn’t likely to shrink or pull when you wash it, you also will probably want to be sure to choose a material that can be washed. Certainly wouldn’t want your hard work to be ruined because it couldn’t be cleaned.

Whether you choose to make your own duvet comforter cover or to buy one that is pre made from the store, you’ve made an excellent decision concerning the décor of your bedroom. Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom and more often than not establishes the overall mood of your bedroom. Choose fabric and material that best suits the mood you’d like your bedroom to enhance. You can turn your bedroom into a room that is a tranquil oasis, an energizing center, a romantic room, or simply a room that is warm and cozy. It’s amazing how much of a difference a duvet comforter cover can make in the overall appearance and in achieving your decorating goal.

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